Why We Need An Ark

Last Updated on September 6, 2022 by web manager

We have received great blessings from God. In our Catholic faith, God has given meaning and purpose to our lives. The Father has shown His love for us in that He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die that we might be saved. God has given to us the Church by which we can know and believe what we must do to inherit eternal life. Our holy Catholic Church has and continues to affirm the goodness of life and the holiness of true marriage between a man and a woman.

However, these things and more are rejected by the pagan culture which now dominates our world. This pagan culture is toxic to our faith, and that means if we do not take serious steps to preserve and pass on our faith, our parishes will simply die, and many souls will go to hell. However, we are not going to let that happen with a fight.

To protect ourselves and our Catholic faith, we are building parish arks. They will be places where we can support each other in living out our holy Catholic faith. They will be places where we can share our joy in Christ with others, and where truth and goodness and beauty are promoted. Finally, they will be places where we can foster a sense of unity and overcome the sense of isolation many people feel today. We are in a spiritual battle, and so, we are going to use spiritual means to strengthen ourselves and our parishes.

First we have expanded our times for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We all need more personal time for prayer where we can be with God and He with us.

Second, we are starting more small groups where people can gather for prayer, study and fellowship on a regular basis. From these groups, we hope more initiatives will follow.

For now, we will focus on those who are presently coming to Mass and invite everyone who is to join a small group. Once our small groups are established and up and running, we will reach out to those who have stopped coming to Mass since Covid, and then to those who belong to our parishes but do not participate any more. Finally, we will reach out to the larger community of unchurched people.

As we move ahead, please pray for God’s blessings as we work together to build our parish arks.

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